The next PrestaShop 1.6 video tutorial in our long running series is live and ready for you to watch. The video concentrates on the basics of importing categories and new products. We also explain how to use the CSV administration panel in the back office. If you’d like to follow the transcription from the video, then just scroll down to below the video box and you’ll find a button to click that will open it up. Enjoy.
Hi and welcome to the new PrestaShop tutorial video. Today, we’re going to be covering category and product and CSV import and the basics and we’ll do a couple more after today’s tutorial covering the more complicated parts of CSV import.
But what we’re going to do today is import categories and import brand new products into those test categories and also going through the CSV administration panel on the back office. So we’re using the default PrestaShop 1.6 template and theme. There’s no modification and we’ve also got the standard PrestaShop back office. You can find the CSV import configuration within advance parameters and within CSV import. And here, you’ll see the PrestaShop CSV import panel with all of its details. I’ll go through that in a second, but today because we’re just doing the categories and products, we won't focus on everything, but just those two sections.
So within the window, you can see here [SEE VIDEO], you’ve got a dropdown and this is the first place you need to go to decide what you’re actually going to import into your PrestaShop via CSV. Obviously, you can see here categories, products, combinations and those are product combinations which were imported separately to your initial product import. Customers, you can import. Addresses—and that’s customers addresses; manufacturers, suppliers and alias which is to do with search terms. As I said, we’re not going to cover any of those apart from products and categories today. You can upload your CSV file directly from your PC or MAC with the button here and you can also choose through the history of the imports so I’ve already put some CSV files in here and you can use them if you want to go back to reference the previous upload of a CSV file. Choose the language of the file; that’s fairly self explanatory.
Predominantly, you’re going to be using ISO 8 [ph] files, but if you are using a different encoding format, obviously, click this to yes. The field separator; we’re using a comma separator CSV file so you do need to change that to a comma. If you don’t, you’ll see a bit of a car crash on the import. I’ll show you how that looks if you’ve got that incorrect in a second. And the multiple value separator is a comma as well. These buttons can be quite tricky and they are very important. If you are working within a live store and you already have existing products or categories within the store, you don’t want to be turning these buttons to ‘yes’ because as it says it will delete all categories or products before your import, and once they’re gone, they’re gone. So really take a bit of time to set this panel. Don’t rush it and make sure you’ve got all the settings correct before you go on to the next step.
Because we’re using a test store, there are products already in there and I don’t want to delete those so I will leave that set to ‘no’. The thumbnail generation; that is set to ‘no’. I can show you how to do that later, but that will be done on completion of the CSV upload. And forcing all ID numbers; when you look at your categories and products — if I was to look at a product will create a unique ID for all of the products which you can see here and obviously, that goes in sequence. If you are importing a CSV file with your own product IDs and you don’t want to use the incremented PrestaShop ID, you would need to force that ID on all numbers when you import. So, force all ID numbers and that would use the ID numbers you have on your spreadsheet, not the auto incremented ID numbers from PrestaShop. So, if the last product you had in the store was product ID 99, the next import would import product 100 and so on. But if you wanted to import product number 9991, it would force that number as the product ID.
If you don’t force all IDs as it say, it will correct the ID number for you within the system. On the side panel here [SEE VIDEO], these are all the available fields you can within the spreadsheet so at the moment, we’re looking at categories and these are the category fields here [SEE VIDEO] which you can import; basics like your name and your description like a parent category and the category image. On the products, it’s a bit bigger list. This is more involved than the product import and it gives you all the fields here which you are able to import within the product. And what PrestaShop also does is it supplies you with a sample CSV download file and this is really, really essential to take a look at and I’ll start from this point. If you click one of these, you’ll get a download bar here [SEE VIDEO]. So that’s the category import. I’ll click that one and get a product import. This is where I would start. I would open up these bars as I’ve done here. I'm using LibreOffice which is an open source program which does have more options and different formats and it’s what I prefer to use, but you can use Microsoft Excel, etc. But LibreOffice, it’s a free open source program. You download it. I’ll put the email on there for you [SEE SCREEN]. It has the URL to go and download it (
So, this is the category spreadsheet [SEE VIDEO]. I’ve cleaned out all of the information, but this is the data you would see from the category CSV file which I just exported from here, and I’ve cleaned out all the data. It will come with sample data within it, but I’ve cleaned it out for the purposes of these test imports. Similarly, I’ve got a product one already downloaded and I’ve cleaned out all the data here, too. When you’re importing products, you can't import the product really without importing the categories first of all.
It certainly won't be that you already have categories on the store so you can decide where about to put that product and what categories to import the product into. But if you haven't already done it, do the categories first so import your categories, and then import your products.
I'm going to jump straight in and we’ll start importing the categories first of all. I’ll explain some of the columns within the spreadsheet. The product one is quite a complicated spreadsheet and we’ll just delete out some of the columns there just to stick with the basics for now just so we can show you how to get a product up into the store and then we’ll go through the more complicated parts with the spreadsheets such as things like features, discounts; things like that. But I will just briefly go over each column just to say what the columns are actually for. So, within the products spreadsheet — this is it [SEE VIDEO]. This is where the columns within the sheet. First of all’s the product ID.
As we were talking a few seconds ago, if you leave this blank, PrestaShop will force the category ID or you can add in your own ID. I'm going to leave these blank so PrestaShop force incremented ID within this import. ‘Active 01’ so if we put one in here, that would mean that the category’s active. ‘Zero’ obviously means inactive so when you import a category, it won't actually be active so it won't be live on the store so it’s a good idea to do this just to see how the import works if you are on a live store to set this to inactive. But as we’re using the test store, maybe I’ll leave this as one so we can see the category as soon as we import it. I’m going to call this category ‘Test Cat 1’. All of the categories within the system hang off of one category and I’ll just quickly show you a good way of looking at your category structure. The little button up here [SEE VIDEO] which allows you to filter your product by category and if you just click that one, you can see the hierarchy of categories and sub-categories within the system.
So, this is the test store PrestaShop’s demo store and this is the category structure so everything within the store hangs off of ‘Home’. This is where all of your root categories or your main categories will hang off of so within the system, at the moment, we’ve got the main category ‘Women’, then a sub-category of ‘Women’ is ‘Tops and Dresses’. And sub-category of ‘Tops’ is ‘Tshirts, Tops and Blouses’; so this is the structure of the store at the moment. What we need to do is our new imported category, its parent category would be ‘Home’ and then you could create your sub-categories off of your new imported categories. If we go back to the spreadsheet, and set a parent category of other import is ‘Home’. This isn’t a root category.
The root category is ‘Home’ so you can set that to zero; just put a brief description in. And the meta title, meta keywords and meta description, you can import this within the spreadsheet, but PrestaShop does create a meta title from the name of the category and it does take a meta description from the description of the category, so at this point, you can leave that blank. At a later date, if you want to optimize your category for SEO purposes, you can go back into the back office, then you can manipulate the meta title and meta description as you wish. But at this point, just importing the category, we don’t need to do that. If we import another category, this time, we’ll call this one ‘Test Cat Sub 1’ and this time, the parent category is actually not ‘Home’ because it’s a sub-category of ‘Test Category 1’. The parent is ‘Test Category 1’. It’s not a root category. I’m going to use the same description so we’ve got the main category, ‘Category 1’ and a sub-category of ‘Category Sub’. Then what we can do is we can put ‘Category Sub Sub’ — so this is a sub-category of ‘Category Sub’.
I’ll show you this in the back office just so you can see the category tree just to see how that has imported. Again, use the same description. So that’s how we build our category CSV spreadsheet and that’s all we need to do at this point. Now, if we save that file. As I said, using LibreOffice, you get the option to edit the CSV format. Test import, type is CSV that we do want to use the CSV format and here we go the field delimiters — as I was saying before, using the comma on here [SEE VIDEO], the UTF, the character set is 8 which is standard. That’s the standard format to import into PrestaShop and you just simply save that. Now, if we go back to PrestaShop, click on CSV import—and yes, we’re importing a category. We upload on newly created CSV file. Make sure this goes green. If you’re importing a big CSV file, this may take a little bit of time to come up and say that it successfully uploaded so don’t be tempted to move on until you see this green panel [SEE VIDEO] appear just to tell you that it actually successfully uploaded to the system.
As I said before, the field separator we chose for this was comma and the same with the multiple value separator is comma. We’re not going to delete all categories. We’re not going to skip thumbnail regeneration and we’re not going to force all IDs because we haven't actually haven't any IDs to our CSV. But the next step will show you whether you’ve actually got this part here, the field separator and multiple field separator correct because when you go to the next step, you should see everything in nice neat columns. If I was to go back and I’ve forgotten to put in the correct field separator—let’s choose a semi-colon and move to the next step.
You’re looking at [SEE VIDEO] — well, we actually don’t know what we’re looking at. It’s not actually delimited correctly and put everything into its correct columns so if you see that, you know you more than likely got the delimiter incorrect. Simply go back again, and this part, we need to map our columns of our spreadsheet to the correct columns of PrestaShop and this goes back to the CSV page within the blue box where it tells you the appropriate fields you can import within this CSV import section. And similarly, it will tell you within the dropdown what columns you can actually import into the system. So because we’ve not put an ID in here [SEE VIDEO], we’re going to actually ignore this one. Because we’ve ignored the ID column and we’re not going to put an ID column in, it will create the category ID within the system without forcing our own IDs. ‘Active 01’, that’s correct. ‘Name’, that’s our name. ‘Parent category’; we’ve got parent category here and we’ve got the same root description.
And these are all matching as well that’s because we exported the sheet out from PrestaShop and we imported exactly the same sheet. If you’re using your own formatted CSV file, you’ve got a CSV file done from another system or another ecommerce platform or another database, then you more than likely have to do more work here and map your CSV to the appropriate columns. Then a good idea is to save that format. So if we save this one as ‘Cat Test’ — I'm going to skip one line. If we save that format every time we import a sheet, we can load this particular formation in and it will automatically map the correct columns to your spreadsheet without having to go through each one and choose the correct column to the correct column on your CSV file. So everything’s mapped correctly. I’ll have one more last check to make sure that everything matches and them import. We’ve got some warnings here which are to do with the rewrite link. This is to do with friendly URLs.
What we haven't done is we didn’t define a rewrite link so the system’s done it for us and it’s just warning us that that’s what’s happened. It doesn’t mean that the data has not gone into the system. It’s just a warning to say what the system has done for us. If this was red however, and it was an error, than more than likely you would not have imported your categories correctly so you would have to go back and maybe have a look at the spreadsheet and see what the issues were. But if it’s yellow—in theory, you should have imported your categories into the system so go and take a look. So we have our ‘main Home’ here [SEE VIDEO] and here we go, we have our ‘Test Category 1’ and we have a ‘Test Category Sub’ so that actually hasn’t gone into the correct category because if we go through to ‘Test Category 1’, we do have ‘Test Category Sub 1’ which was correct.
So, if we go back here to ‘Home’, ‘Test Category Sub’ again for that so something in the spreadsheet is amiss which isn’t a bad thing. We’re going to have a look at that. If we delete these two and we do a re-import. I'm doing this as we speak so there has been no set up for and by doing this, we can go back and bug fix any issues with our import. So bulk action on this one would go to delete those. We’ll delete the selected ones. I have to go back to our spreadsheet. So we had ‘Test Category Sub 1’ which was a parent category of ‘Home’. We had ‘Test Category Sub’ which is a parent of ‘Test Category 1’, then we had ‘Test Category Sub Sub’ which is a sub-category of ‘Test Cat Sub’. If you look here, there is no ‘Test Cat Sub’. What we missed out here is the one so what we should have done here is say we had our main category, ‘sub-category 1’, sub-category here and then Test Sub-Category this one. Actually, it should have been the sub-category of ‘Test Cat 1’, not ‘Test Cat Sub’. Sorry, I’m confusing myself now.
It should have been a parent category ‘Test Sub Cat 1’. This might be the first time I got confused. I guarantee that. Let’s do another re-import. Then we need to re-upload our file with the new changes, make sure that goes green, check we got the correct delimiters, not deleting any categories out. Go to the next section again because we had Test Cat saved, we can now load that and it’s out of the ignore column at the beginning which we did within our last sheet so it’s actually filled in all columns for us again so we don’t have to do it again. Then we can import. Let’s go back and look at our catalogue and our categories. This looks better. So we had ‘Test Category 1’ and we should have another sub-category which is ‘Test Category Sub 1’, then we should have another sub category, this one which was ‘Test Category Sub Sub’ so this time it worked out okay. So even though we made an error, it does point out how important it is to make sure your typing, your spelling is correct and that all of our columns match correctly.
But the beauty with the CSV importer is that if you make a mistake, you can simply re-import and correct your errors. So, if we have a look at the category tree, just to give you a visualization of how it’s looking in the system [SEE VIDEO]. We’ve got ‘Home’, ‘Test Cat 1’, and ‘Sub-category Test Cat 1’, then ‘Sub Sub Category’ so these are the three we’ve imported. Then if you look at categories, you’ll see that the system actually assigned IDs to these new categories. So this is ID 16, then we’ve got ID 17 and low and behold, the third one, ID 18. So it’s actually assigned an ID for all those categories without us having to assign one ourselves. Now we’ve got the categories and we now can import our products into those categories.
If we go back to CSV import and because we’re choosing products now, we need to change this tab and obviously, the available fields now changes to all the product fields which are available. Now, if we go back to our product spreadsheet, this one is a little bit more in depth. As I said, I'm going to remove some of the columns just to show you the basics, but I will just quickly give you a brief overview of what columns actually are for. Some of them are fairly self explanatory. Other ones need a little bit of explanation. The last few columns here were the dependencies, advanced stock management — as I said these are based on whether you were choosing advanced stock management within the back office at which we’re not. That would probably be another training session on using the advanced stock management within Prestahop, but at this point, we don’t need them so I'm going to delete those columns out.
ID & NAME OF THE SHOP - this is if you’re using or you’ve enabled the multi store option in PrestaShop and you’re importing products for a particular shop. You may have three shops within a shop group; shop 1, 2 or 3, and you would need to put the idea of the store here to let the system know which shop you’re importing products into. But we’re not using multi store so you can delete that as well.
OUT OF STOCK - is out of stock; that is as simple as it says.
THE CUSTOMISABLE AND UPLOADED FILES - this is where you’re using custom options on a product so if you were adding a product say a jumper and you wanted to embroid somebody’s name on the jumper, you can use the customisation within the product field and you can actually import that straight into the product with an CSV file. But again, we’re not doing that. If you do want to find out a little bit more about that, just search customizing PrestaShop products and you’ll be able to find out all the details there.
AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY - that is if the product is available online and not in a store if you were managing a bricks and mortar shop as well as an online store.
FEATURES - we’re going to keep in. I’ll show you those in a minute. If you wanted to delete your existing images on the import, you could set that to ‘yes’ and it would delete the existing images, but we’re not going to delete any images because we don’t have any in there.
IMAGE URLS - the import of this is slightly corrupted, a couple of extra columns there. And these are all about availability and product creation dates, so the date you actually created the product and when the product will be available if you import those in. Without those columns, PrestaShop’s default is it would be available now and the date it was created will be today’s date.
AVAILABLE TO ORDER - the default is ‘yes’, so delete that so when we import, our product will be available for sale. That’s the text for when the product is in stock, so if the product’s available, it’ll say ‘product availability in stock’. If was out of stock, you can set the text to — if you’re allowed to back order, maybe you would set the text here to be the product will be available in two to three weeks time and you can put in the text when back order allowed within this column and that will be imported with the product at the same time. But we’re not going to cover that today.
URL REWRITE - we’ll leave that one.
METADATA - again, PrestaShop does that for us.
TAGS - these are search tags so we could put a couple of search tags in on the import.
UNIT PRICE AND ADDITIONAL SHIPPING COSTS - we’re going to delete those out.
VISIBILITY - default visibility on import is ‘everywhere’ so that product will show everywhere within the store.
We’re not going to have any minimum quantities to order. We are going to have some quantities available. We’re not going to put in any width, height, and depths of the product, but we’re going to add some weight and I’ll show you where that actually imports into. It has to do with your shipping and carriers and the weight’s is quite an important option to import at the time you put the products because that could be used for your shipping configuration. I’ll explain that when we have a look at the product once it’s been imported.
ECOTAX, UPC & EA NUMBER, THE BAR CODES AND UNIQUE PRODUCT CODES - we’re not going to use those or manufacturer or supplier.
We are going to add a PRODUCT REFERENCE. We’re not going to discount the product so we can remove all of those.
In here, we can put a date to and from when that product’s going to be discounted so it could be from today til the end of next week, we can put a percentage amount in there or we can put a discount amount in pounds. Yeah, so maybe we can discount it by £10. You just simply put a 10 in there. If it was a percentage discount, you’d put a 10 in there and it’d be a 10% discount from this date to that date, but we’re not going to do that. The product’s not on sale. It’s full price. If you were to put this product on sale by entering a 1 in this column and when you looked at the product from the front end, you would have the little for sale swatch on the side of the product and I’ll show you where that is on the product we’ve imported it. Actually, let’s put that on as a 1. We’ll actually see that when it goes in. Wholesale price; we won't be putting a wholesale price in and we’ll use the default tax rule of the store except we don’t import this column.
The system will automatically put the default tax rule of the store against the product so if you’ve set the default tax to 20% for the store, then every import will have that tax to the product. Price tax excluded or included; you’ll see when this—on the import what this actually means. I’ll cover that when we do the actual important then categories, name, active, ID; so we’re just going to import with just these columns. We’ve deleted everything else. This is sort of the bare bones of import and you can even do without features if you didn’t want to. You can do without the url and the tax, but we’ll import this product with those just to give you an example of how it looks. So I'm going to force the IDs on this product. So I'm going to call this one ID 999. It is active.
It’s Test Product One. Now, with categories, it gives you an example here [SEE VIDEO] of how to enter the category format into this column so if you wanted it to go into more than category, you could put more categories separated by comma. So if I wanted this to go onto the home page. This is where you need to be accurate. We’ll go back to our categories within the system so I’ve chosen home as the first one. I also needed to go into Test Category 1 so make sure you get this exactly right. If you don’t get the actual category spelled correctly, it will create a new category. So if I called that Tes and left out the ‘T’, it will create a new category within the system for this product called ‘Test Cat Sub 1’. I know I said before about doing your categories before you do your products. You don’t have to. You can put your products in where the category’s assigned, but I won't suggest that. I would suggest doing the categories first so you know the structure of the store, you know where your products are going to go, and it’s a lot easier when you come to doing products and know your category structure before you do the import.
You don’t actually have to use the spelling, you can use the actual IDs, so if we go back to here, you could actually just use the ‘ID 16’. So if we said we want to get in ‘Test Category 1’ — so that’s 16 and we also want to in the sub-category — we could say 16 and 17, so to eliminate spellings and typos, you can simply use the category ID which I do prefer. Less mistakes are made adding a number in this column than actually adding a product name because your category names could actually be quite long and a typo in there will destroy that category structure when you do the import.
PRICE TAX EXCLUDED AND INCLUDED - I'm going to put in the tax included price which is 50 pounds.
ON SALE - it is on sale so we’ll see what happens when we look at the product to the front when we set this to active. The reference number is reference 1, 2, 3, 4. Weight .5 kilos.
QUANTITY - about 500 of these.
SHORT DESCRIPTION – ‘short description’ and the long description would be ‘long description’. And remember, the short description—PrestaShop takes this as your meta description, for your SEO purposes, make sure that is relevant to your product. Tags is a search term so this would be test. So if we were to put these search terms into the search box within PrestaShop because we’ve tagged this product with the words test and test1, this product will be shown in the search results simply because we’ve tagged it with these search terms.
URL REWRITE IS—just to show you what that looks is URL — we’ll call that one rewrite.
Even though our product is called Test Product 1 URL, that product will be URL rewrite. I’ll show you how to get that back to what it should be in the back office.
IMAGES - these need to be the actual image urls so I’ve done a little bit of pre-work before we started this and I’ve actually uploaded into the root of my site. And you can do this via FTP, I’ve put an image folder called CSV images. I'm going to save that and you’ll see why, so if we go back to the system, the import sheet, your URLs of your images need to be the exact URL of where those images are stored so I’ve put them onto our store—in the root of the site so the store url is this. It needs to start with my store URL then the URL path to those files so this is how the system is going to find files. First, it’s going to go to your website address. Then it’ll go to the folder where those files are which was CSV images. That’s the next part of the URL, then we go to a / and we go to the next level.
We go into the folder and I’ve got two images here [SEE VIDEO]. One’s called shoe-mjpg. And there are particular formats you can import in PrestaShop, so file format says .jpg; jpg, and there’s .png and I think .gif. Use those two save formats when you’re importing any images into PrestaShop, so the final part would be the URL. This is how it’s going to find my images. It’s going to look at my website. It’s going to look in that folder and it’s going to find image shoe-mjp. I want to put two images on this product, so I simply put a comma and I go and find the other image with the shoes. I go back to my spreadsheet, put that in there and then I copy all of this. Again, here is important to get the spelling correct and the capitals and lower case correct.
Otherwise, it won't find your images and always start it with http address. So we’ve got another image — so our website address, our folder name, then the image name, sit it’s two images going up for this product.
Then FEATURES - you can add features to the product. Again, you can add multiple features. I’ll show you were they will be on the front end and where you can manipulate those in the back office as well. So the first feature is going to be called feature one. The value of that feature is going to be value one and the position is zero so we use the same format as PrestaShop has suggested here. Then simply to put another one in, comma then you put in feature two is the name. Value is ‘value two’ and the order is zero so you’ve got two features going there, and that’s it. That’s all of our columns taken care of. I’m going to show you again we’ve not filled in the ID. It’s default active. We can put one in there to activate the product on import.
It’s got an asterisk so that means that this column has to be filled and we’ve name this one Test Product One. I think we did put an ID in here. We put 9991. We’re going to force that ID into the system. It’s going to be Category ID 16, and 17 and these are the prices; on sale, the reference, the weight, quantity; descriptions, tags, url rewrite, our images and features. So if we save that one and it’s a CSV file—and we’re going to use comma deleted [ph]. So that’s the spreadsheet saved, bring that back to our back office, CSV import—okay, so this time, it’s product import. We upload our file, check product import; the field separator is a comma. We’re not going to delete any products. We’re not going to use the product reference as a key. We’re not going to skip regeneration, but we are going to force the IDs of all our products. Hopefully, we can see everything in it’s correct order, which it is. This one is mapped correctly. ID - yes, it’s active.
The name is ‘Test Product’. We’ve got our categories in the right place. Right, so this is where it starts to go—our spreadsheet is different to the format of PrestaShop’s import. This is our prices section. We’ve named it at the top here so we know what we’re looking at when we see the value 50 and we simply need to say okay, that is the price including tax.
ON SALE - this one is one sale so we simply map that that up with the on sale option within the list which I can't see.
ON SALE - there we go and move onto the next one.
REFERENCE - map that reference to our reference.
WEIGHT - we can map that to weight.
QUANTITY - map that to quantity and then go through the rest.
SHORT DESCRIPTION - I call that long description, but it’s simply description.
URL REWRITE - which I cannot see. There we go.
IMAGE URLS - image urls, the two images here.
OUR FEATURES - and that’s it.
And again, if you wanted to import this again because you’ve made a mistake, why don’t we save this one as our product template and save that. So, if you make a mistake and the import is saying CSV, simply load our product template to match all of our columns straightaway. So as long as everything’s matched up correctly, go to all locate [ph] and do an import. Hopefully, we’ll see green. We see green so your CSV has been imported correctly, so on that assumption, you should have a product in the system with all of those details. So if we go to our catalog and our products—and remember we force the ID so if we look down here, there we go. There’s our forced ID. It’s 9991. The image is here, ‘Test Product One’. The reference is here. Let’s put it in ‘Category Test Cat One’. It’s £50 and it’s 500 in stock. It’s exactly as we have the spreadsheet set up. Now if we go into the product configuration, we can see all of these columns have been filled in.
As I said before, enabled ‘yes’, visibility ‘everywhere’; these are all default. And this is the option here which is available to order. That’s the default. The condition new is default. We imported our short description and our long description and it’s added our Tax Test One.
PRICES - we said it was £50 including tax which it has done. The system was set to 20% tax as default so it’s adding that without us adding the column and it’s worked out a pre-tax price as well.
SEO - our URL rewrite’s going in here and that’s the friendly URL. That is driven from your product name and really, your friendly URL should be your product name so just as a test, we’ve put that in here. But if you go back, we really should re-generate that and it should be the name of your product.
ASSOCIATIONS - so these are the categories we wanted it in ‘Test Cat One’ and ‘Test Cat Sub One’; so they’ve gone in there. And because ‘Test Cat One’ was the first category within the list of categories you wanted to import into, it chooses that as the default category.
So always remember that; the first category you’ve got within the comma and separate the list, the categories will give a default category for that comma.
SHIPPING - you put some weight in and there it is; .5 kilos. This is important to you if you want to format your shipping by weight break and not by price break so that way at least the product you know has been weighed. It’s got a weight against it so you can set up all the shipping by weight or price. I’ve not done combinations. We’ll do those in the next tutorial.
QUANTITIES - we added 500 and there they are [SEE VIDEO].
IMAGES - two images. There they are [SEE VIDEO].
FEATURES - we’ve got feature one, feature two and we have the value 1 and value 2.
So this could be as we’ve got here the height, styles — if you already have styles within there, you could have imported the style as the type of feature than you can chose a value here which is already in the system and you could have added that as a feature — style; rock. If the feature’s not available, you can create your own. You can create more values.
CUSTOMISATION - we didn’t add any customisation, but here you can attach fields to customise the product when the customer actually buys it.
You can add any ATTACHMENTS, you can add any suppliers.
Let’s take a look at the product on the front end, and there you go. There’s our test product and ‘Test Category One’ named ‘Test Product One’.
We’ve got our reference in here [SEE VIDEO]. We’ve got our short description. We’ve got our data sheet and our features - ‘feature one’ and ‘feature two’ and a long description. Our images have gone in as well and the price is £50 including tax.
So that’s a basic product import, so prices, reference numbers, descriptions, and images. You can expand on that or you can expand on adding some of the other columns I deleted out, but it might take a little bit more research to import some of the more complicated parts of the product such as combinations which we’ll go through in our next tutorial.
I hope this one has been useful. Please post your comments below, share and subscribe. See you on the next tutorial.
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