Will humans beat AI design tools? 

Picture this: a human graphic designer walks into a bar, orders a drink, and starts to work on a brand design project. Suddenly, an AI design tool walks in and says, "Hey there, I hear you're a graphic designer. You know, I can design that logo for you in a fraction of the time it would take you."

The human designer raises an eyebrow and says, "Oh really? And what about creativity and originality? Can you come up with unique and custom designs that reflect the brand's identity?"

The AI design tool responds, "Of course! I have access to millions of images, examples and styles. Plus, I can use data to create designs that resonate with the brand's target audience."

The human designer takes a sip of their drink and chuckles. "Well, I suppose that's impressive. But can you work collaboratively with clients to understand their needs and preferences? Can you take feedback and refine and improve your designs over time?"

The AI design tool hesitates before responding, "Sure I can, you just need to tell me exactly what you are looking for."

This is the crucial bit.

Working collaboratively, getting to know clients and their business goals, drawing on years of experience to help guide you through the process. For many years, human graphic designers have been the go-to solution for businesses and individuals who need design work done. However, with the rise of AI design tools, some people are wondering if human designers will soon be out of a job. After hearing the conversation in the bar we decided to take a look at the pros and cons of using AI design tools versus human graphic designers.

AI design tools do have advantages over human designers. For one thing, they can work much faster than humans. An AI tool can create dozens of designs in a matter of seconds, while a human designer might take hours or even days to come up with a design.

On the other hand, human graphic designers have some advantages that AI tools can't match. For example, human designers can bring a personal touch to their work that AI tools can't replicate. They can create designs that are unique and tailored to the needs of their clients. Additionally, human designers can propose new options that might work in the context of your business and don't feel "generic". Especially necessary when designing branded adverts or social media posts in which subtle design changes can alter the entire focus of the message.

While ‘references’ are important to designers, as they take inspiration from them and use them to help gauge what the client wants, they are essential to AI image generators. Designers are able to think of something entirely new, whereas AI tools (currently) can only create something using images it has been shown.

Another advantage of human designers is their creativity. While AI tools can create designs quickly, they may not be able to come up with truly original ideas. Human designers, on the other hand, can draw on their creativity and life experience to create designs that are truly unique and eye-catching. When creating a brand from scratch, much of the inspiration comes from conversations with the client about the history of their business and their values and tone of voice.

With AI design tools they do offer options which the designer or client can choose from and then refine until they are happy with it. Or if the prompt isn’t producing the desired results they can be adapted to gain a different result. This is the AI version of responding to feedback.

There has been a bit of news recently about some of the reference material used by AI tools which didn’t have permissions granted by the reference artist. This could be a potential legal minefield for AI providers and perhaps for the end user? Over time these issues will surely go away but for now it's worth bearing in mind.

So, which is better?

Well, it really depends on what you need. If you need a simple design done quickly and don't have a lot of money to spend, an AI tool might be the way to go. But if you want a design that is truly unique and tailored to your brand and specific needs, a human designer might be a better choice.

It's not really a competition between human designers and AI tools. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and both can be valuable resources for businesses and individuals who need design work done. The key is to choose the right tool for the job at hand. Plus there have always been cheaper options for clients like Canva or Fiverr. Smart designers are already using the AI tools themselves to better their work. We’re working alongside AI rather than against it.

While AI design tools may offer speed and efficiency, they cannot always replace the creativity and intuition of human graphic designers. Human designers have the ability to understand brands and customers in a way that AI systems simply cannot. They are able to create unique and custom designs that stand out from the crowd, work collaboratively with clients, and adapt to changing circumstances. Ultimately, the human touch that comes with experience and intuition is irreplaceable in the world of graphic design.

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